【面試】Standard Chartered 渣打銀行 IGP (MA) 面試流程


* 參考年份:2023
* 錄取者背景:
* 面試流程:
- Pymetrics:約40分鐘,12道遊戲關卡,官網可先練習。
- 適職測驗:約30分鐘,工作情境題。

【Video Interview】錄影面試。

【Assessment Centre】
- 行為面試:1對1,2輪,聚焦背景經歷問題。
- 英文簡報:提前交6頁PPT,提案CPBB未來發展相關。

IGP - Client Coverage

* 參考年份:2022
* 錄取者背景:
* 面試流程:
【Valued Behaviors Assessment】以Pymetrics進行

【Video Interview】

【HR Interview】背景調查 & HR面試

【Face-to-face interview】


* 分析利率風險的影響因素

【Video interview】(中國2021)
* When you do not have enough time to complete a task with the highest standard, what would you do?
* If you are the client in the standard charted bank, which service do you expect to have?
* Why excellent customer service is important to banks.
* How to ensure others to feel confident in your ability?
* What are the advantages of adapting your communication style with different audiences?

#渣打面試 #個案分析 #技術面試工具箱
